Warning! Contain stupid thought of mine and some good quotes ! Parental advisory is not suggested......
Welcome to the most useless blog in the world

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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
New year, same hope
Monday, December 22, 2014
Quote from Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo by Kanda Sorata
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Beginning and Ending, quote from Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de
And we do our best because they end.
And because we do our best, there are new beginnings.
For things to begin, there must be endings.
Now, let's start the end of the beginning.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Quote from Sword Art Online
Kirito: Maybe that I was lucky...
Asuna: uhm ?
Kirito: Because if you marry someone it means you already like what you know about them, right? So if you found something new about them and fell in love with that too... wouldn't that be great ?
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Another useless post
Love ?
You think people can't move on...because of love ??
People can't move on because of the PAIN !
"The deeper you're in love, the more painful it gets", this bullshit sentence is not so bullshit.
You really think that the reason someone can't fall in love with someone else, because they're still on "love" with someone in the past ? No. They can't fall in love, because they remember the pain. Because every time they think of love, they feel pain. Because every time they want to move on, they're haunted by the past.
But, what do I know ? I'm just a boy that doesn't understand love...at all. Yes, I'm just a boy. What do I know ? Maybe I'm not mature enough to understand it.
Human needs to be mature enough to understand love. But, ever since we're a little, we know what PAIN is.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Mind vs Heart
I told people to be mature, though I loved being a kid.
I expect things to go the right way, though I don't even try.
I convinced people to study well, though I buy new game every month.
I told myself that I don't really need something, though I'd give my everything to have that.
I told people to stop worrying about me, though I'm not really sure how well I'm doing.
I gave people some really good advice, though I'm stuck...with my own life.
I cheered up when people invited me to go with them, though I don't like people.
I said that I want to make many friends, though I just want to be alone.
I thought to myself that I needed love, though I don't know what love really is...
It's not the loneliness that's gonna eat me alive, it's when I think it is.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Love, quote from Toradora!
It is gentle and sweet.
Maybe if it could be seen, everyone would fight over it.
That is why the world hid it, so that no one could get their hands on it so easily.
However, someday, someone will find it.
The person who deserves it the most will definitely find it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
<Deep title here>
Humans aren't perfect, yes obviously. And we need that imperfection, so we can love, because deep in our mind we need other people, yes I'm aware of that. But humans are devolving. We keep making excuses to every tiny little mistakes we made with these 4 words: "I am not perfect". Humans always give and take excuses. That's why we're lack of competent people nowadays.
Now lemme ask you a question. If you're perfect, can you do anything right ? The answer is simply "yes". But if you can do anything right by yourself, would you need other people ? No.
I'm imperfect and I'm clearly aware of that. We're all imperfect. But we need to stop making excuses. Mistakes are mistakes. Everybody is doing it. What we could do is learn from it, and became a better person. And if you see someone making it, tell them. There's no shame in making mistakes. What shameful is when you don't learn from it :)
Monday, June 9, 2014
Apa yang harus anda lakukan saat anda tidak sengaja men-delete atau mem-format file, folder, drive ?
Friday, June 6, 2014
Perpisahan termanis ?
"Jadikan ini perpisahan yang termanis, yang indah dalam hidupmu, sepanjang waktu. Semua berakhir, tanpa dendam dalam hati. Maafkan semua salahku, yang mungkin menyakitimu." Ya ini adalah sepenggal lirik dari sebuah lagu yang berjudul "Perpisahan Termanis", oleh Lovarian. Kenapa sih gua milih lagu ini sebagai pembuka tulisan ini ? Ada ceritanya, oo ya sebelumnya, boleh lah yak sekali2 gua pake bahasa indo buat artikel blog gua :D
Cerita ini berawal dr SMA, seperti banyak cerita romansa-fiksi kebanyakan, saat gua masih kelas 1. Ya, gua harus cerita semuanya dari awal. Saat gua masih culun, blm punya pacar, dan perjaka tentunya (sampe skrg masih dong), saat gua mulai berpikir satu hal yang ngerubah drastis hidup gua, yaitu "siapa sih maria ozawa ?"... Salah, bukan itu. Hmmm oh iya, gua mikir, "apa ya rasanya punya pacar ?" Tipikal bajingan2 SMA lah. Tpi emg pada saat itu gua ga pernah merasakan sesuatu yg disebut rasa suka, dari satu cewek pun (gua mengira gua homo waktu itu).....
Sampai suatu saat, gua tertarik dengan seekor betina, nama samarannya Nana (yang dipakai untuk casting skill di dota itu, yg dibawah health). Nah gua ga ada pengalaman dalam hal pdkt, ngide updkt sendiri pake cara gua. Yaaa akhirnya sih gagal sebelum nembak #akurapopo. Dr sini juga gua ngerasa gua blm bisa atau blm siap pacaran (sama cewek ya).
Akhirnya gua menjalani hidup gua seperti biasa lagi. Gua main sama temen2 gua, biasalah cowok, cerita ngejek, cerita lucu, cerita cewek, cerita dewasa (oke ini terlalu jauh). Dan ada satu orang, cewek, ini dia ngeselin banget sumpah. Tpi yaaa, I bullied her, she bullied me, we are bully-bullyan. Ini sumpah gua pernah anjingin dia, demi apapun. Keselnya udah luar biasa. Tpi lu tau lah, kl kata tmn jomblo gua yg suka memberikan relationship advice, "jarak antara cinta dan benci itu setipis kertas". Mulai gua ngerasain sesuatu yg beda. Seakan2 gua pengen terus ganggu dia, dan gua pengen diganggu (aneh gua waktu sma mah, ga usah ditanya), timbullah sebuah rasa #hasek.
Makin penasaran, gua mulai sms (orang lain udah pake BB, kami pakenya N70 sama E72, nokia is the best). Diajak ngomong, nyambung. Diajak bercanda, lucu. Diajak tidur, ga mau (kayaknya gua udah rusak bgt). Oo iya, gua blm kasih tau siapa cewek ini. Dia pinter, baik (tpi emg kl bercanda, agak jahanam2 gitu, sama kayak gua lah), gua ga menemukan nama samaran yang tepat buat dia, jadi kita panggil saja dia Bambang.
Eventually, gua suka ama si Bambang ini, Gua tanya aja baek2 secara innocent ke dia, "lu pernah pacaran belum ?", dia jawab "belum". Nah, pantes gua ga ditolak mentah2, ternyata dia juga blm pacaran.
Singkat cerita, gua nembak dia tanggal 9 Juli 2011. LEWAT SMS (cups beud), dan yg gua bilang adalah "gua suka sama lu, mau ga lu jadi cewek gua ?" (Ini setelah gua tinjau, memang bego banget). Dan, ada miskom, gua pikir dia nolak. Gua lgsg SETERES !!!
Akhirnya tanggal 24 di bulan yg sama, dia sms gua, gua bales, baru bbrp sms, gua ketiduran. Besoknya, dia sms gua lagi. Sms, sms, sms, dia nanya "gua boleh nanya sesuatu ga ?", gua jawab "boleh, apa ?", dia nanya lg "lu masih suka ga sama gua ?", kaget tpi ttp kalem, gua bales "masih kok, mbang", dibales ama si bambang "lu ga nanya gua suka sama lu ato nggak ?", gua mulai berharap "hmmm lu suka ga sama gua ?", dia jawab "suka :3", gua tancep gas "hmm kl gitu lu mau ga jadi pacar gua ?", dia balas "mauu." YEEYAAAAAH, potong kambing, potong sapi, dikejar warga (karna bukan kambing & sapi gua, gua main potong aja), selamat, gua loncat kegirangan, gua banting tv, gua diskors uang belanja sebulan saka orang tua gua, gua nangis, dan akhirnya gua memulai kehidupan pacaran.
Lembar baru kehidupan gua terbuka. Gua ga usah ceritain lengkap gimana gua pacaran deh, terjebak di ruang nostalgia ntar #akupororo. Intinya 2 tahun kami berjalan, semuanya baik2 aja. Gua sayang dia, dia sayang gua, yaaa gua emg udah ada komitmen pengen sama2 dia terus. Tpi yg namanya hidup, if everything's alright, it's loading up shit, ready to be launched directly to your life and leaving you, right there, wrecked. Shirt story, we broke up. Well, to be honest, I broke up with her. Dan gua blm bisa memaafkan perbuatan gua saat itu.
Ea kita sudah sampai pada bagian galau dari tulisan ini. Dari tadi kan lucu2an terus. Padahal garing yak. Ni yang baca udah ngomong dlm hati "anjing ini kenapa gua masih aja baca artikel orang tolol satu ini ya ? Tpi mau berhenti pun nanggung." HAHAHAHA KEPO SIH LU ! Oke, konsentrasi, permisi sebentar *ke wc* (seakan2 amat penting untuk pembaca untuk tau bahwa gua pergi kencing).
Anyway, gua ngerasa gua itu orang paling bangsat di dunia. Masalahnya, si bambang ini nangis dan ngemis2 ke gua minta balikan, tpi gua ga mau. I know what y'all are thinking right now, "he's the biggest jerk I've ever known". Ya, gua ngaku, gua bajingan.
Dan sekarang, kejadiannya kira2 9 bulan setelah gua putusin dia. Dan gua ngerasa, dia blm bisa maafin gua. Gua akhirnya suatu hari, saat abangnya ultah, gua line dia (cie skrg udah line) "mbang, happy birdday buat abangnya yaa. Btw, gua mau minta maaf, atas kejadian2 masa lalu, gua harap dia kasih bisa berteman", dia balas dikit, gua balas, trus dia ga balas lagi, kayaknya sih chat gua di-delete tanpa di-read. Gua line lagi, dia cuma balas "._.", gua tanya kenapa dan dia ga balas lg line gua. Wajar, karna selang 9 bulan ini, gua udah pernah pacaran 2 bulan, dan skrg udah putus juga. Dan hal ini membuat kalian bertambah berpikir kl gua emg seekor anak bangsat.
Akhirnya, gua memutuskan untuk minta maaf ke dia dgn penjelasan2, serta gua bilang kl gua masih mau temenan, dan gua ga pernah lupa kata2 dia waktu itu. Intinya si Bambang bilang gini "gua masih terlalu kecewa untuk ngeliat nama lu, Nick." Dia memang ga salah, tpi gua berusaha baikan untuk menjalin hubungan baik alumni lah intinya. Gua minta baikan, dan chat gua cuma di-read. Mungkin dia masih sakit hati, itu wajar, tpi gua pengen, kalau kita baek2, gua pengen kita pisah tanpa ada dendam lagi. Mungkin bukan skrg, ada saatnya gua ngomong ke lu lagi.......mungkin empat mata.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Sunday, June 1, 2014
"Nothing good ever happens after 2 a.m" ?
I was a jerk. Well, maybe I still am, but at least I admit it. And what do I feel now ? Heart-broken. Only that ? NO ! I was torn-apart, break-even, drift-away, and all of the sad emotion. They said when you are the one who want to break up with someone, they're true. Most of my friends actually feel that. He broke up with his girlfriend, and then said "hahaha shame on you who cries over me". and not 2 weeks later he said "God, I missed her".
How about me ? Have I not told you the story ? I broke up with my girlfriend-for-2-years. I thought my commitment for her is tight and unbreakable, but things change. And the ironic thing is, I said it's because our religion, our parents, our races, and so much bullshit (but hey, at least I didn't say "I want to focus on my studying" <-- biggest break-up-bullshit ever). And for 2 months you keep giving me the sign that you were still in love with me and want ot get back with me, but I ignored you. Yeah, I know what you guys are thinking about me. Jerk. Asshole. Assface. Pussy. I'd take that blame.
6 months later I started dating with someone new. One college, one dormitory, one organization. Yeah it's that "local-love" like the ones from movies. And after 2 months of joy, she said that her parents didn't agree that she go out with me. So she broke up with me.
The ironic thing right there is, my parent didn;t agree with me going out with my first ex. You know, the one that I broke up with after 2 years of happiness. I saw karma worked on me. I saw it throw a huge pile of lemon to my life and squeezed it right in my face.
And the thing is, I missed my first ex. I don't know, it feels like she's the best part of my life. And probably, I will do everything to stay in touch with her. You know, at least about college and weather, and some kind of daily stuff. It's like, wanting something back a thing that you turned your back into. I know she's hurt, by me. And now, I'm the one who is getting hurt, by the decision I made that day, to let go the love of my life, only to chase other material things.
Sometimes I wish I can travel back in time and undo all of my bad choice. But life goes on, and as we're broken, we're being forged, to be someone better. And in the end, humans must learn from their past. We have to pursue what we have to do, guided by our own experience. In time, we all will be happy. Just like a good friend of mine said: "We are the one who choose and live our happiness"
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Playground of Memories; Never Forgotten You
Monday, April 28, 2014
So close, yet so far
And here I am, the guy with a guitar in his hand, singing to the moon, accompanied by the stars, hoping that you will listen to this song, and looking at the same moon, and smiling, remembering how we miss our future days. But we decided to live our own life, close enough to meet everyday, but too far to even say hi. Wishing all of sudden, that we can meet, maybe for the last time, for old time's sake......
........just to say goodbye :-)
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Apa itu cinta ?
Cinta itu ketika lo ada saat dia senang, sedih, kapanpun.
Cinta itu ketika lo menyayangi seseorang dengan sepenuh hati.
Cinta itu ketika lo perhatian dan pengertian.
Cinta itu terjadi karna adanya sekresi endorfin yang terjadi di otak kita (!?).
Cinta itu rasa nyaman dan bahagia ketika berada di dekatnya.
Cinta itu di saat lu bahagia, liat dia bahagia.
Cinta itu rela menunggu.
Cinta itu rela berkorban.
Cinta itu bahasa universal.
Cinta itu buta.
Cinta itu amanah.
Cinta itu perkara saling menemukan.
Cinta itu. Aku. Kamu. dan semuanya.
Because Love Is For Everyone (L.I.F.E)
Lie. Love doesn't need anything. If you love someone, you just do. You don't need to change. You'd live happily with someone you love however you two are.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Parallel Universe
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
CHAPTER 15. Assignment from Mr. Tri Djoko Wahjono
Application Systems Analysis
Conducts technical analysis of application systems and specification of technical requirements for maintenance/enhancement activities.
Application Systems Development/Maintenance
Designs technical specifications and programming of application components for distributed applications. Monitors, updates and maintains applications.
Business Systems Analysis
Formulates and defines systems scope and objectives through research and fact-finding combined with an understanding of applicable business systems and industry requirements. Includes analysis of business and user needs, documenting requirements, and revising existing system logic difficulties as necessary.
Computer Operations
Monitors several servers, storage devices, and other input and output equipment. Executes backup and recovery procedures. Manages input and output media. Alerts technical support staff when problems occur. Escalates issues as appropriate. Monitors facility security.
Data Input
Verifies and corrects source documents. Inputs data from source documents.
Data Warehouse Administration
Designs and maintains database architecture, metadata, and data repositories.
Database Administration
Administers computerized databases. Directs backup and recovery of data and efficient and appropriate use of DBMS software and services.
Database Analysis/Design
Designs databases by working with users to develop data requirements. Creates and maintains database dictionaries, and assures efficient and appropriate use of DBMS software and services.
Decision Support Analysis
Analyzes and fulfills user requests for information from university and other data sources.
Department IT Administration
Administers information technology functions including but not limited to network management/administration, systems analysis, web, programming, database administration, server administration, computer and auxiliary operations.
Department Network Administration
Administers network activities and functions for a designated department or program. Uses information, software, hardware, policies, and procedures to plan, configure, operate, optimize, and troubleshoot networks of communicating devices. Coordinates activities with personnel at all levels including other campus network managers and core network administrators.
Documentation/Technical Writing
Develops and implements printed and online documentation including programming and operations documents, user manuals, and help screens.
End User Support
Provides first level automation support to unit/department. May include evaluation of hardware/software needs, training/documentation of automated processes and general computer support.
Help Desk/Information Center
Identifies, prioritizes, and resolves reported problems including voice, data, account administration, email, desktop, and institutional applications issues. Works with other support and technology groups to manage an effective triage and resolution procedure.
Information Security
Ensures the safety of information and information systems. Protects systems from intentional or inadvertent access or destruction. Identifies and establishes necessary campus policies and procedures.
Information Systems Auditing
Ensures that appropriate controls exist, that processing is efficient and accurate, and that information systems procedures are in compliance with institutional standards.
IT Project Management
Executes and develops project plans, goals, and budgets. Identifies resources required for complex information technology projects. Guides and performs strategic analysis for projects.
IT Staff Supervision
Provides direction, coaching, staff development, training and mentoring to assigned staff. Supervises two or more full-time employees, or their equivalent, on a regular basis. Makes decisions regarding hiring, evaluation, promotion and termination of employees, or makes related recommendations that are given particular weight.
Network Administration
Plans, designs, and implements communications networks for voice and data. Coordinates day-to-day operations, maintenance, monitoring, software installation, protocol configuration, and problem resolution.
Network Planning
Identifies changes and trends in network (routers, hubs, etc.) and systems technology. Develops relevant plans and proposals for the incorporation of trends into the campus infrastructure.
Network Security Administration
Plans, designs, and implements security procedures and standards for the data network. Coordinates day-to-day operations, maintenance, monitoring, software installation, protocol configuration, and problem resolution specifically focused on preventing and responding to security breaches.
Operating System Administration
Administers and directs installation, maintenance, configuration and integrity of operating system software. Administers network and disk configuration, data backup, security, software patches and upgrades.
Operations Administration
Administers, monitors and directs all aspects of the daily operation for data centers or similar operations. Assures appropriate input and back-up procedures are followed. Updates procedures. Corrects errors, troubleshoots and contacts vendors or systems staff as needed.
Operations Support
Provides technical support for data center or similar operations.
Production Control
Schedules batch jobs. Coordinates batch and online schedules. Performs basic quality assurance.
Research Computing: Graphics Consulting
Defines, designs, purchases and implements 2D and 3D interactive graphics systems, software tools and applications. Provides technical consulting and programming expertise for scientific visualization, 2D and 3D computer graphics, and virtual reality applications. Gives tours and demonstrations of virtual reality and scientific visualization technology. Provides instruction in the use of 3D graphics libraries, virtual reality programming libraries and scientific visualization applications.
Research Computing: Statistical Analysis / User Support
Assists users with experiment design, database design, software selection, data entry specifications, data collection design and data analysis. Conducts tutorials and workshops. Provides statistical and application support.
Research Computing: Systems Analysis / User Support
Designs, implements and supports new and High Performance Computing (HPC) ( i.e.. supercomputer) technologies. Designs, purchases and implements hardware and software tools and applications. Designs, implements and supports grid computing technology. Evaluates, extends and implements grid computing systems. Provides FORTRAN, user, grid application and programming support.
Research Computing: Workstation Support
Installs and configures UNIX / Linux operating systems including network and security. Designs, purchases and implements workstations. Installs and operates applications.
Server Administration
Designs server hardware configurations. Monitors and maintains server hardware. Coordinates procurement, maintenance and repair operations with vendors.
Systems Programming
Designs, develops and supports operating system utilities, messaging applications, and middleware systems. Installs and coordinates configuration of software packages.
Conducts training and educational programs for information systems or user personnel.
Web Administration
Coordinates the integration of the web with other computer systems. Reviews web sites for adherence to organization specifications and standards. Troubleshoots system-related problems as needed.
Web Development/Maintenance
Designs and builds web pages using a variety of graphics software applications, techniques, and tools. Designs develops, and maintains user interface features and web page content.
Workstation Support
Provides workstation hardware and software technical support including peripherals such as printers and handheld devices. Coordinates acquisition, installation, and upgrades of end user hardware and software. Provides access to shared file, print, and backup services. May support applications. Assists with end user questions and problems. Researches and recommends new technology.