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Welcome to the most useless blog in the world
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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New year, same hope

2014 mungkin ga banyak yg terjadi bagi gua. 2014 mungkin bukan tahun terbaik bagi gua. 2014 terkesan sedikit "meh" bagi gua. 2014 mungkin tahun yang sedikit membosankan bagi gua. 2014 ga banyak naik turun. Yaaa meninjau ke belakang, mungkin hidup gua emang ga terlalu banyak naik turun juga sih =))
Tapi 2014 yg paling banyak merubah gua.
2014 yg paling banyak membuat memori bagi diri gua sendiri. 90% dari 2014 gua habiskan di kamar sendiri.
Orang2 bilang gua pendiam,  meskipun rasanya gua udah banyak bicara. Orang bilang gua ansos, walaupun gua sudah berusaha embrace communication. Papa mama gua bahkan bilang "lu selama liburan ga terdengar suara lu", meskipun gua berusaha kumpul bareng.
Introvert. Overall 2014 gua memang berusaha untuk ga terlalu banyak interaksi dengan org lain.
Tapi sekarang muncul lah 2015. Gua ga kayak kebanyakan orang yang wish & resolution nya berlebihan. Wish gua utk 2015 cuma "I hope nothing change too much" aja. I'm happy with how things are working, with me who doesn't really give a fuck, and with people who don't have to give a fuck to me. Tapi gua malah berharap banyak challenge di tahun untuk gua. Seperti yg gua bilang "2014 terlalu membosankan bagi gua." New year resolution gua simple "gua mau semakin dewasa." Contohnya gua bisa berpikir jauh kedepan sebelum mengambil keputusan.
Mungkin ini aja yg gua mau sampaikan. Ah iya, Happy New Year ya buat kalian semua. Semoga wish & resolution kalian buat tahun baru ini bisa terkabul

Monday, December 22, 2014

Quote from Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo by Kanda Sorata

I wanted to blame someone for my being bored. But it wasn’t anyone else fault. If you really want it, the world can change colors in a flash.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Beginning and Ending, quote from Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de

All things that begin must end.
And we do our best because they end.
And because we do our best, there are new beginnings.
For things to begin, there must be endings.
Now, let's start the end of the beginning.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Quote from Sword Art Online

Asuna: Hey. If you married someone and then you discovered they had a side you didn't know, what would you think? 
Kirito: Maybe that I was lucky... 
Asuna: uhm ?
Kirito: Because if you marry someone it means you already like what you know about them, right? So if you found something new about them and fell in love with that too... wouldn't that be great ?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Another useless post

Love ?
You think people can't move on...because of love ??
People can't move on because of the PAIN !
"The deeper you're in love, the more painful it gets", this bullshit sentence is not so bullshit.
You really think that the reason someone can't fall in love with someone else, because they're still on "love" with someone in the past ? No. They can't fall in love, because they remember the pain. Because every time they think of love, they feel pain. Because every time they want to move on, they're haunted by the past.
But, what do I know ? I'm just a boy that doesn't understand love...at all. Yes, I'm just a boy. What do I know ? Maybe I'm not mature enough to understand it.

Human needs to be mature enough to understand love. But, ever since we're a little, we know what PAIN is.